Growing Frontec Leaders from Within
When Alex Detrinidad received a message from his leader asking if he would like to transfer from delivering camp services at China Lake in Ridgecrest, CA to be the Assistant Manager at our Pogo Mine camp in Alaska, he was ready for the challenge.
“A challenge brings learning and growth, something you can’t achieve unless you put yourself in new situations,” explained Alex.
Alex became interested in working at ATCO because the safety culture and family values align with his own. He also liked the prospect of career growth.
“The opportunity to provide important services to our clients in Alaska and across North America, along with the potential to grow my career as a leader, were major factors that attracted me.”

Jillian Duncan, first learned about ATCO in 2019 after the Northern California fires.
“ATCO provided housing for disaster relief workers,” explained Jillian. “I saw this change in my community, and I wanted to be a part of a company that helped with natural disasters.”
After speaking with friends who already worked with ATCO, she decided to apply and started in her first role as a dishwasher and housekeeper. She moved on to help set up the South Airfield and Naval Berthing Camp and has also worked as a maintenance technician and coordinator.

Now Assistant Manager at the Naval Berthing Camp in Ridgecrest, CA, with ATCO’s support, Jillian is currently enrolled in business management courses at Cerro Coso College and is also in the latest cohort of the ATCO Frontec Leadership Development program along with Alex.
“I was approached by my leader, who suggested me for the cohort,” noted Jillian, who is proud to have the opportunity to learn. “This is significant for my growth as a manager and leader. I am learning about the importance of communication in life and how to build a productive team at work.”
This is the eighth cohort of the Leadership Development program at Frontec which focuses on things like communication, active listening and workplace dynamics.
For Alex, the Leadership Program has demonstrated firsthand how ATCO values growth and development. He has learned that actions speak louder than words, and it’s essential to have conversations that address concerns and improve the work environment.
“My experience with Frontec has equipped me with invaluable leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and a strong work ethic. I have applied these skills to my current role, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow as a leader,” Alex noted.
Being a part of the Leadership Development program for Jillian has given her the opportunity to meet people from different areas of the company and build a network that allows her to ask for help when needed.
She’s not sure what’s next but she knows ATCO will guide her to achieve her career goals. “I’ve always been treated with respect as an employee and ATCO has given me the tools to grow. I communicated that I wanted a career and I’ve felt supported with each position I’ve had.”